Well-being Coaching

Just as a coach would help football players to become the strongest, fastest and most tactically competitive team in the game, well-being coaching helps people from all professional and personal backgrounds improve their strengths and build upon their weaknesses to make the most of their lives.

Life Coaching Yorkshire York Harrogate Boroughbridge

Professional sportsmen and women have a coach to provide guidance to help them succeed, so why should living life be any different?

As a well-being coach, I am here to help you improve your personal and/or professional life by offering support and encouragement, whilst suggesting new ways to achieve your goals and improve the quality of your life. My Well-being coaching skills cover all areas to do with lifestyle and general health including weight management to coping with stress, time management and other health/life balance issues.

Well-being coaching can help you:

  • Seek clarity about what you want, why you want it, and how you can get it.
  • Bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.
  • Develop strategies and techniques which assist you to reach your goal faster.
Overcome obstacles, low confidence and insecurities.
  • Explore and evaluate all possible options available.
Provide dedicated time just for you, along with the support and encouragement you deserve.

Life Coaching Marnie Reader Village Fitness Boroughbridge Boston Spa Wetherby.jpg

Well-being Coaching is about investing in yourself to benefit your entire life.

If you have any questions please get in touch – CLICK HERE.

Sessions can be done face to face, via email or over the phone.

Session Costs

Well-being Coaching is available in either single 1-hour slots or in block sessions of 10 sessions.

Single Session:     £45 per session


Block Session:      £400 for 10 sessions BUY NOW

To Book

Please telephone me - Marnie Reader on 0786 6862074 to book your appointment.